2016 Historical Regatta – Il Forcolaio Matto –



The series of window displays dedicated to Venetian Artisans continue, and now it’s the time of the “Forcolaio Matto”, alias Piero Dri.


“From the secular walnut tree the Venetian ‘remèr’ Piero Dri creates ‘Forcole’.  These are the crutch of Venetian boats, the base on which the Gondolier places his oar to lead the Gondola. Custom made for each oarsmen, Forcole take on special sculptural and dynamic lines, as

a result of thousand years of history in costant research of a perfect balance between function and beauty. As essential tool for travelling through canals Forcole become both symbol of Venice and art piece higly appreciated all over the world.”




Vascellari around the world


We are proud to be on Italo’s magazine as well as on “i Viaggi del Gusto” magazine.

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Vascellari on TV


On May 25th, 2016 Giancarlo Magalli, famous conductor of the show “I fatti vostri” on RAIDUE, interviewed Roberto viagra sans ordonnance Vascellari about his huge collection of antique spectacles. 11 minutes were just a few but have been enough to go through history of eyeglasses with our collection. We would like to thank all RAIDUE staff, and particoularly Bruno, to have set up the entire event and Claudio, who had been of great help in setting up the displays. A great experience that we are happy to share with you all.



A few shots of Studio1 Via Teulada, Roma.




The event is available on youtube as well.

El Calegher





This month’s window display is dedicated to handicraft. In Campiello del Sol, right behind our Ocularium Studium we can find a tiny workshop for shoes to measure.


Gabriele Gmeiner handmakes shoes since 2003, using all traditional tool, as the old artisans used to do.


artiste-colore  gabriele

If you happen to visit Venice, this tiny workshop is worth a visit, just to have the chance to smell the quality and the past flavour that might get lost in time.


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March, 8th

International women’s




Carnival 2016




The Venice Carnival is still the traditional one made by masks. This month the selected mask is “Lady” music.

It comes in a sweet and soft dance along with sheet musics, which are nothing but  French sonnets that celebrate Carnival and other masks, as Pantalone, Colombina, Pierrot and Arlecchino. A pre-revolution French sonnet is the back cover for the first fake evidence of the Florentine paternity of eyeglasses, made by Manni, 1743.

Top layer: Cavalleria Rusticana, an original copy signed Pietro Mascagni.

Top left: a print representing the three italian comedy masks.

