
Our staff is extremely careful when assebling your eyeglasses, to guarantee a final product perfectly meeting your needs.

Talking and collaborating with our customers helps us to understand and to satisfy all your needs, in order to give you the best service available.

Lenses coming from the best factories are available here. Particoularly we recommend:

  • Multifocal lenses
  • Dynamic reading lenses (specific for those who need to read and to focus at different distances)
  • Polarizing monofocal and multifocal lenses
  • High index organic lenses
  • Super hard and coating treatments
  • UV stop filters and filters for retinic disease thanks to a convention with National Health System we can provide prosthesis to people who deserve them.

Turtles and birds…

Turtles and birds, means tortoise-shell and feathers. Read more