Carnival 2025

300 years after the birth of Giacomo Casanova, the Venice Carnival returns to enchant the world from February 14 to March 4, 2025, with a special edition, entitled “Casanova’s Time”. We have therefore dedicated our windows display to the timeless figure of the Venetian seducer and adventurer.

We thank our client Mrs. Marinella Pretto for the loan of some of her clothes, entirely hand-made and dedicated to eighteenth-century in Venice, which adorn our windows display. We are also greatful to  “Gli Amici di Pierrot” for their handmade papier-mâché bauta – the tipical white venitian mask, usually worn with a cloak and a tricorn hat by men in several occasions, not just during Carnival season, to be not recognize during some of their “leasure activities”.