Theater binocular with handle
France, 1850. Theater binocular with handle. The structure is in gilded brass, the bodies and the focus adjustment wheel are in ivory like the handle. Two rings in foliate embossed brass surround the two bodies.
France, 1850. Theater binocular with handle. The structure is in gilded brass, the bodies and the focus adjustment wheel are in ivory like the handle. Two rings in foliate embossed brass surround the two bodies.
Italy, 1920. Splendid walking stick with silver and agate box knob. Contains a silver lorgnette stamped ”800”. It comes from Buenos Aires (Argentina) where there was a large community of Italian immigrants. It was probably built specifically to hold this lorgnette.
England, 1820. Mahogany and oak Zograscope with mercury mirror. Suitably tilting the mirror back, it was possible to show a magnified image of a printing or other object placed on the table, through the lens.
France, 1770. Wooden case covered with ray skin (Galuchat) with trefoil shape. The interior is lined with salmon cloth, for 6 bow spectacles. With gold hinge.
France, 1820. Walnut snuff tobacco case turtle ermined with a small silver shield on the lid. A spy glasses with three body is hidden on the top of the case.
Italy, 1840. Gold neck lorgnette with stones and baroque pearl. it was property of Counts Van Axel family. The handle has an unusual shape, when closed it might seem a barber’s razor. The stones’ disposition creates the Italian flag when the object is hung to a chain from the neck. Used at theatres to express the belonging to the Italian state during the Austrian occupation.
Venice, 1680. Trilobal boxwood case for bow glasses. Both sides are inlaid with a medallion bearing the letters NBP. Two spectacles can be accommodated within. Whalebone bow glasses in it.
Tortoiseshell ear thrumpet. England, 1870. with round spectacles.
France 1809/19. Rare tortoiseshell and silver scissor glasses with oval lenses. The maker is C.J. Ducray in Paris.
France, 1795. Tortoise fan “direttorio” era with gold and silver leaves. The central medallion represents the scene of fidelity. There are two lenses on the top of the guards. When closed, a telescope effect is recreated looking through the rings on top of the telescope.
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30125 – Venezia
Centro Lenti a Contatto
Campiello del Curnis, S.Polo 990
30125 – Venezia
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