
Venice, end 1700. Nice horn pocket eyeglass made with a negative lens. The lens is kept in the handle when it is folded. Many air bubbles included in the vitreous mass.


France 1820. Steel brushed monocle. The beads also in steel are worked with diamond facets.


England, 1820. Little boxwood with glass. The box used to contain living insects to be observed with a microscope.

Menu spectacles

Germany, 1920. Silver brooch lorgnette with pearl red coral pearl and marcasites. It’also known as menu spectacles. Beautiful floral composition.

Martin type Eyeglasses

England, 1770. Temple spectacles with ring ends. The lens has horn circles, Martin margins of the first type. Contained in its iron clamshell case.

Magic lantern

Germany, 1930. Aluminum magic lantern with green painted body and lion paws. Contained in a cardboard box. The stamp is from the Fascist Era.

Ivory Brisè fan

France, 1820. Ivory brisè fan with a small telescope hidden in the middle. The guards are decorated with two cherubs.

Iron Temples

Italy, 1751. Incredible piece of iron spectacles temple. The right lens signed ”Camillo Lazzarini fecit 1751 Pesaro”, indicates that it is one of the first temple spectacles depicted in the British trade card after the spiral temple from Scarlett. The power of the lenses is about -18.00 diopters. Content in impressed leather case.

Golf Temples

Italy, 1910. Celluloid spectacles ivory color with golf temples. They are the first temples that hook the ears and they are so named because they resemble the shape of the golf-club.

Folding Temple

Austria, 1870. Gilded brass eyeglasses, equipped with an extendable pin arms and X-shaped bridge with barrel separator. It is contained in the Moroccan red leather case decorated with cross stitch.